Services for Licensed Professionals

Services for Licensed Professionals

As a licensed professional are you hesitant to talk to others about your problems?

Could you use an expert opinion on what you’re going through, or a non-judgmental, confidential ear just to listen?

Or are you currently in jeopardy of loosing your professional license ?



So if any of these sound like you…

  • You keep worrying about your professional status
  • You don’t know where to turn about your secret struggle
  • You wish there was somebody who could tell that would keep your confidence
  • You’re interested in therapy, but you don’t want other professionals in your community to find out
  • Other areas of your life are being negatively impacted by your struggle
  • You’re interested in therapy, but not sure how it could fit into your life


If you’re looking for help in improving yourself and your situation – or are in need of a professional evaluation then Please reach out to me today to schedule a consult.